个人档案Personal file
- 会员名称:Leo888
- 性 别:男
- 年 龄:25
- 身 高:CM
- 体 重:KG
- 婚姻状态:分居
- 地 区:欧洲
- 交友类型:征婚
- 电 话:
- QQ:
- 电 邮:perkoleper@gmail.com
I do yoga, meditation, jogging, swimming, skating, skiing, cycling, enjoying the nature, table tennis, tennis, surfing. I love to cook food from natural ingredients, Asian, Indian, sushi food I am old school guy) Intelligent! Key features) positive thinking, a good sense of humor honesty, understanding and good heart, spiritual, physical and spiritual intimacy, tenderness . . . I have to admit that I love kissing endlessly I like tender touches and kisses from head to toe, I also like passionate and hot french kisses under the moon... I live peacefully and enjoy every day, but the soul wants another soul to blend with. I am looking for one and only one to go hand in hand on earth and to enjoy eternal life in the universe...