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  • 会员名称:Smith
  • 性    别:
  • 年    龄:50
  • 身    高:184CM
  • 体    重:76KG
  • 婚姻状态:分居
  • 地    区:欧洲
  • 交友类型:征婚
  • 电    话:
  • QQ:3580536322
  • 电    邮:3580536322@qq.com


am looking for a good relationship on a long term basis with one woman. I am by nature kind, romantic, very affectionate, understanding and very passionate and in intimacy I enjoy giving and receiving affection, and am very open-minded and adventurous as well. I am a well-educated, working professional. I enjoy reading, dancing, walking on the beach, fishing, camping, going to movies, just hanging out, and other fun things. I am very sincere and would enjoy a true romantic and fulfilling relationship. I am also down to earth, honest, not judgmental in any way, and very giving in a relationship as well as in intimacy. neither do i drink. Someone who will be there for me in good times and bad times as well, someone who will give me her attention and show me her affection as well, and someone i could give passionate kisses and I am in all aspects of the word



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