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- 五星红旗男52岁178cm72KG江苏单身交友类型:征婚
交友宣言:大家好!我是一名土生土长的南京人,出生于 1972 年。时光匆匆,离婚已有 7 年,如今的我,渴望再次寻得一份真挚的感情,开启人生新的篇章。 我身高 1 米七八,体重 78 公斤,身材较为匀称。曾经在部队中奉献了 31 年的青春岁月,还有一个多月即将转业,开启新的人生旅程。在部队的这些年,我养成了坚毅的性格、强烈的责任感和忠诚的品质。我懂得担当,明白奉献,也珍惜生活中的每一份温暖。 生活中的我,性格开朗大气,既有着军人的果敢,也有着细腻的一面。我热爱生活,喜欢在闲暇时光去探索南京的大街小巷,感受这座城市的历史底蕴和现代活力。我也热衷于运动,保持着良好的身体状态。 对于未来的另一半,我希望她是一个善良、温柔、善解人意的女子。年龄相仿或者比我小一些皆可,重要的是我们能够相互理解、相互支持、相互陪伴。我期待与她一起分享生活中的喜怒哀乐,共同经营一个温暖的家。 如果你也在寻找那个特别的人,不妨给我一个机会,让我们一起在未来的日子里,携手前行,创造属于我们的幸福生活。期待你的回应![更多]
电话:给我写信QQ: - Momo女50岁165cm55KG广东单身交友类型:征婚
交友宣言:When you can open my information, it shows that we are predestined, gentle and generous women, single for many years, like sports, like hiking, cycling, play badminton, like to raise flowers and take care of rooms, do food, love writing, painting, do handwork, not greedy for money, want to find a reliable man aged 50 to 65, with stable income, healthy body and mentality, to spend the rest of your life together as a partner, please do not disturb those who cheat.[更多]
电话:给我写信QQ: - Emilia女37岁157cm52KG其他单身交友类型:征婚
交友宣言:I am a very decent, kind, honest, good and direct woman and I hate lies in my life. Please if you are interested in my profile, and you would love to know more about me, actually I am not allowed any social network, and I am an honest girl. Please write me through my Email address and I will explain myself more to you // Kiss you[更多]