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  • 会员名称:Andrew927
  • 性    别:
  • 年    龄:55
  • 身    高:172CM
  • 体    重:KG
  • 婚姻状态:单身
  • 地    区:其他
  • 交友类型:征婚
  • 电    话:
  • QQ:
  • 电    邮:andrewmich927@gmail.com


I am looking for a woman that I can trust without questions and who can trust me the same, Love me for me and I will Love her for her person. someone with a compassionate and accommodating heart. Someone that we would be like two vases of water poured into one larger and more beautiful vase to form one Vessel. Holding each other hands,explore life together,loving each others as we watch the sun rise and set in each others arms. Laughing,camping,singing,playing,traveling and catch fun together. Im looking for someone who wants to explore the possibilities of a friendship,a relationship,marriage and an adventure of a lifetime trill.A woman with the ability of bringing the family together for devotions and fellowships.A Godly person,Honest and God fearing.


  • I am very positive...happiness is free


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