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  • 会员名称:游方郎中医
  • 性    别:
  • 年    龄:49
  • 身    高:173CM
  • 体    重:67KG
  • 婚姻状态:单身
  • 地    区:北京
  • 交友类型:征婚
  • 电    话:13269454032
  • QQ:3279629450
  • 电    邮:18612470320@163.com


Unmarried - widowed and no children , father is deceased! Beijing-Tianjin area, deep Hong Kong and Macao, Yunnan - Tibet border, abroad - the best there is room - and a car Ye Hao widowed without children unmarried rectifiable find it? Hope to have my own children. My family (wine) Bingya has believed in Wu Rending. wxvx :MgY-111 家家人(酒)并伈已信悟仁定。干支寻猎! 寻未婚-丧偶无孩,父已故!京津,深港澳,滇-藏边境,国外-有房-有车也好 丧偶无孩未婚!两哥一弟单身! 自然幽默随合!游方郎中医-百合:国家种族学历收入宗教信仰政治倾向不限!火警女节二巴手酒肆球含邮!找父已故的73.7.15前生日!愿多生孩子的!希望有自己的孩子们。想退休后移居外籍-可商量没购买服务!看信难!MgY-111威信 Unmarried or widowed without children Nationality Race education income Religious belief and political orientation are not limited the father of the deceased who would like to have more children after retirement to emigrate to foreign countries can discuss Normal diet is naturally humorous! You Fanglang Chinese Medicine ~ Maintenance- : National race , academic income , religious beliefs and political inclination are not limited! Fire Police Womens Day Two Slap Wine Sh



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